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There's a Fungus Among-Us August 22, 2005 |
Here is your latest issue of... Canary Tips! Your Guide to Canary Care Success. Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Canary Tips! delivers VALUABLE information about the hobby of keeping PROUDLY and JOYOUSLY presented by Darren Walker at
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Dear < The long hot summer HAS to be coming to an end soon! Here in central California we just ended a 28 day streak of more than 100 degree temps. I believe that’s a record...and some of those days were around the 105 mark. It’s been in the mid 90’s lately and that actually feels COOL. Of course, the best thing about late summer is that our canaries end the molt and start singing again. YAHOO! I haven’t heard my office canary sing in about a month and I’m really missing it. I have to put in Classic Canary to get my daily fix. ;-)
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New Article This article is taken from the NEW EBOOK--as yet unnamed. You are going to LOVE THIS EBOOK! There is nothing like it available anywhere. You’ll be able to look up a common symptom and then find out what illness the symptom indicates. It’s written almost like a checklist. Making it easy for you to look up and find disease and treatment information. And that reminds me ... ”THANKS FOR YOUR QUESTIONS.” I want to thank all of those people who contacted me with their biggest concerns and important questions about canaries. As I suspected, I got a lot of questions about why their canary is acting in a certain way...
“Why is my canary bobbing his tail up and down?” So, I’ve decided to write an Ebook about canary conditions. NOT just another book with canary illness info, but a book that is EASY to navigate. But, here’s the important part... The part that will separate this book from all other canary care books... It starts with SYMPTOMS. It’s going to make diagnosing and treating canary illness incredibly easy. You’ll be able to find the canary information FAST...and that means treating your canary FAST...and that results in a FAST recovery. More on the Ebook in a minute. Right now let’s get right into this issue’s article...If you were to look up “breathing problems” in the new Ebook, one of the illnesses you would be directed to is “Aspergillosis”. And that info is below... Until next time...Keep Your Canary S-I-N-G-I-N-G!
Your Friend,
”Aspergillosis. ASPERGILLOSIS (inhaled form) Aspergillosis---the name itself sounds scary, doesn’t it?---is an illness that is contracted by your canary inhaling fungal spores. These fungal spores grow in warm moist conditions on... • nests • unclean cage surfaces • moist foods--soft food, boiled and soaked seed, egg, veggies, fruit, etc. • Also on compost piles, hay, piles of grass clippings, etc This is just one of the reasons why it’s so important to clean the droppings and aged food from your canary’s cage every day. I had a hot dog once from a convenience store that made me sick and had me laid-up for 2 days. If you’ve ever had food poisoning or a bad flu bug, you know how miserable it can make you feel. Aspergillosis is a different form of illness but I’m sure you can relate. You’ll want to do everything possible to keep your canary healthy (see prevention tips below). Dry seed can also have the aspergillus fungus. It’s important to purchase your canary seed mixture from a reputable dealer. You can do a simple test of seed cleanliness by putting your fingers into the seed. When you pull out your hand, check for excess dust or dust-like particles. A small amount of dust is inevitable and harmless, but large amounts indicate a seed mixture that may be “dirty” with fungus. If you live in a humid area of the planet, you should be especially concerned about inhaled Aspergillosis. Air conditioning helps to cut down--way down--on the occurrence of Aspergillosis, by cutting down on humidity. Keep your eyes peeled for any condensation or moisture accumulation on or near your bird’s cage---or even in the same room. Fungus loves moisture and will reproduce rapidly in the right conditions. When the fungus is inhaled it collects in your canary’s air sacs. In rare occasions the fungus will form internal abscesses. SYMPTOMS The resulting symptoms of Aspergillosis are... • gasping for air • open mouth breathing • clicking sounds while breathing • listlessness • loss of appetite • Going light (losing weight) • rapid death Your canary is most susceptible to this illness when suffering from some OTHER form of disease. His weakened state makes it easier for the fungus to cause problems. In fact...anytime your canary is sick, is a dangerous time for him. Just as a hungry lion picks out the weakest zebra in the herd, canary disease attacks a weak bird. Also, your canary could actually be carrying the fungus inside his body with no symptoms or ill effects. But as soon as he gets sick, and weakened, from some OTHER gremlin, Aspergillosis may be given a green light to go forth and subdue its next victim...YOUR beloved canary. Also look for neurological problems when this illness is well along. • dizziness • “Star” gazing • head turning There is no cure for Aspergillosis unless treatment is started EARLY. Once the fungus has been established in the brain, lungs, and air sacs, it’s too late. TREATMENT Treat these symptoms by...
• removing the fungus • placing your canary in a hospital cage at about 85 degrees F. • administering Amphotericin B--Fungilin (see your vet) • ketoconazole has also shown some good results. (see your vet) • medicated misting might also help (see your vet) PREVENTION Because this condition is incurable, prevention is of prime importance. Aspergillosis is NOT contagious, so quarantine is not necessary--although, your canary may recover better if he is alone. • Keep the cage area from accumulating excessive moisture. • Remove moist foods within 4 hours (less in humid and warm areas) • Change drinking water daily.
• Treat drinking water with acidifying water cleanser. Further complications that may result are... •Mycoplasma infections •Ornithosis There is another form of Aspergillosis called “Molding Disease” . It is an ingested form and is actually MORE COMMON than the inhaled form. As a matter of fact, Molding Disease combined with weak genes is the most common cause of disease in canaries used for exhibition. Molding Disease is talked about thoroughly in your upcoming Ebook. So are Mycoplasma infection, Ornithosis, and all other common canary illnesses. Canary owners like you and me are finally going to have a canary care book that is EASY to use. Over the last few years I’ve been continually frustrated over the canary care books that are DIFFICULT TO USE. These books list the disease and then go on to talk about the symptoms---even then the information is often sketchy and disorganized. The new Ebook--still unnamed at this point--will be filled with incredibly useful information for keeping your canary healthy. And that should make you and your canary very happy. But... The part that should make you “sing with glee” is... This Ebook focuses on SYMPTOMS. When your canary is sick or acting unusual, what’s the first piece of information you have? A SYMPTOM. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have a reference guide to canary care that...
1.Allows you to look up a symptom This Ebook--which you’ll be able to download to your computer--is IN PROGRESS and will be ready SOON. But, while I’m working on it, I’d like you to help me again...PLEEEASE... ...answer the following question... “What is the biggest problem you’ve faced in regards to your pet canary?” It doesn’t have to be a disease. Any problem at all. I’ll let you know when the Ebook is ready. And if you’ve never downloaded an Ebook before...Don’t worry. I’ll make it extremely simple for you to get a copy and walk you through the entire process.
Keep Your Canary FREE of Toxins. -----------------------------------------------
Give Your Canary The Best Home Possible -----------------------------------------------
What's the #1 way to increase canary singing? Use recorded songs! -----------------------------------------------
Written by Darren Walker
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