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How I Cut My Canary’s Nails in 60 Seconds or Less November 04, 2006 |
Your Guide to Canary Care Success.
NEW ARTICLE Hi I’m so EXCITED! My office canary is finally starting to sing after his long molt, my oldest daughter started Kindergarten recently, and I’ve been having tons of fun creating the new report. And now the report is finished! Overall it's been a busy and fun few weeks. BUT WAIT! The report is finished but it’s not totally ready for download yet. This new Ereport is SOOooo important. Don’t ignore it. It will help you ‘LISTEN’ to your bird by discovering how to read his body language. The report contains 27 important symptoms that every canary lover should know and understand. If that sounds like a lot of symptoms to watch for DON’T WORRY...I’ve organized them into an easy 3 step canary health exam. Watch your email for the official release within the next few days. TODAYS ARTICLE Have you trimmed your canary’s nails recently? I’ll bet they need it. Hopefully, you enjoyed and put to use the info in the last article, “How to Catch and Hold Your Canary in 3 Easy Steps”, because you’ll need to use that info today.
NOTE: It's OK if you missed the last two issues. I'm creating a new Ecourse that you can get for free. It covers catching your canary, holding him, cutting his nails, and giving him a quick 7 minute health exam. Watch for it in the next few days. Catching your canary really is the hard part. Once you’ve done that successfully, you can easily trim his nails. It only takes 60 seconds. And don’t be nervous about it. The first time is the hardest. It gets a lot easier after that. So have fun with it. :-)
Your Friend,
“How I Cut My Canary’s Nails in 60 Seconds or Less” Be honest--are you one of those people that spoil their canary rotten? We love to talk lovingly to our canaries, keep their cage clean for them, and to bring them healthy tasty snacks, right? But are you cutting your canary’s nails on a regular basis? Cutting your canary’s nails is really very simple and straight forward. There is no need to feel uncomfortable about it. After you’ve done it one time, you’ll realize how easy it can be. The hardest part about it is catching your canary to begin with. Once he has been caught and you’ve figured out how to hold him so he’s comfortable, and you’re comfortable, it gets really simple. However, you do need to have good eyesight. Why?... Inside each of your canary’s nails is a small blood vein. You DO NOT want to cut into this vein. It’s painful for your canary and he will bleed quite a bit. The bleeding can be hard to stop and your canary doesn’t have much blood in his body to begin with---he can’t afford to lose any. But don’t get the idea that cutting nails is difficult to do. When you do it... Make sure you’re in a brightly lit area. If you hold your canary up to some background light or in front of something light colored (like a white T-shirt or curtain) you can usually see the red vein inside his nails. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CUT INTO THIS VEIN. STAY WELL AWAY FROM IT.
NOTE: IF you accidentally cut into this vein, you can stop the bleeding by dipping the nail into a small bowl of... READY? This is how I cut my canary’s nails... 1. I hold my canary with my left hand and, like I said in an earlier lesson, I prefer the grip where my index finger is over the bird’s left shoulder and my thumb is around his right shoulder. 2. Now, using my right hand, I help position the end of one toe between my left index finger and thumb. I make sure I’ve got a good grip because canaries are good at wiggling free. You can see a sketch of how this grip and process works at Scroll down to the bottom of that page. Notice how the bird has a good grip on the person’s ring finger with his free foot. This helps keep the bird more calm. The only thing I do differently is hold each toe up close to the nail, not way back at the ankle area like the sketch shows. I do this because the last thing I want is for the canary to move his toe just as I’m making the cut. I want to have complete control over the toe! 3. Now I just hold the canary up to something lightly colored and clip the end of the nail making sure not to cut into the vein. If you can’t see your canary’s vein you can... a) Get someone else to do it for you or b) Just clip the very tip of the nail--the sharp tip. If you only take off about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch you’re not likely to hit the vein. Then once again I use my right hand to help move on to the next toe. When I’m done I immediately release him to his cage. I use regular ole fingernail clippers for humans. You can also use cuticle scissors. You can find bird nail clippers at pet stores but they’re simply not necessary. And that’s all there is to it. Your canary’s nails are cut and you don’t have to worry about him scratching himself or getting hung up on any kind of crack or crevice. This is important stuff but nothing compared to what you’ll get in the new Ereport, “THE CANARY LOVERS GUIDE TO ‘LISTENING’ TO YOUR PET CANARY BIRD’. One of the most important things you can do is to monitor your canary’s body language. He’s always telling you something. He’s either saying... 1. I’m healthy and strong. 2. Or I’m sickly and weak. But don’t let him fool you. Even if your canary is high energy, fluttering around the cage, eating constantly, and singing his heart out he may actually have a serious problem. More on that in just a couple of days. Are you ready to take an active role in your canary’s health care? P.S., Feel free to forward this email on to any friends or family that may be interested in the content. Let’s see how many canary owners we can help out. :-) ===============
HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOURS? The Classic Canary CD is full of beautiful canary song that will keep your canary S-I-N-G-I-N-G! For details and to hear a sample go to...
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Written by Darren P.D. Walker All rights reserved. No portion of this lesson or Ecourse may be reproduced in any way without the expressed written permission of Darren P.D. Walker.
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