Breeding Canaries: First Time Canary Breeder.
by Vicki
Breeding Canaries, babies.
I'm breeding canaries for the first time.
I have my son's canary as I know she has had chicks and I caught a baby canary about 18 months ago. So I put them together to see how they would go.
They didn't seem to like each other to start off with. Then they started to build a nest.
I offered them 3 different types of nest. A cheap basket from a pet store, a storage type bag, and a small plant pot. They liked the plant/ seedling box. I put in the canary nesting material which they used and then I noticed the female was trying to get woven pieces out of her swing, so I cut the ends off for her and they have a very colourful nest.
They have had 4 chicks, hatched and healthy.
I am giving them egg and biscuit mix, canary seed, and also fresh vegies. They seem to like corn and broccoli mainly. I use to give my quarrions corn and arrowroot biscuit when I was breeding them years ago.
I offer them other things as I think of them but the corn is always the main hit and broccoli.
They are doing very well. I am very pleased with the results. I will however get the mixed vegies/frozen and try them as recommended on this site.