Canary care is very important for having a
healthy, happy, singer.
Below is a summary of the canary information found at Begin your journey to a happy and healthy canary now and...
Keep Your Canary S-I-N-G-I-N-G! Home
Make Your Canary S-I-N-G!
Use this CD of recorded canary singing to teach and encourage your bird to sing.
Canary Care Gold advisory service. Ask Darren your tough questions.
How to use seed, veggies, fruit, and various treats in your bird care.
Your pet's #1 food.
The Controversy: Boiled Seed vs. Soaked Seed
Soft seed--whether boiled or soaked--is one of the great canary treats.
Well...Don't stop feeding your canary entirely, but stop feeding your canary poisons...
...for your special bird.
Does your canary need it?
Make sure your canary has everything he needs to sing LOUD and s t r o n g and l-o-n-g.
Recommended Pet Canary Supplies...
Your canary spends most--if not all--his time here. Make sure it's safe and comfortable.
An important subject of canary care.
Avoid repeating what happens in this canary horror story by keeping your canary's cage safe.
Cage location can be just as important as the food your bird eats and the water he drinks.
Canary cages need certain furnishings to be operable as your canary's home.
Keep your canary's spirits up by preventing sickness and injury. Tips on cleaning, avoiding toxins, nail clipping, and more...
Keep your pet canary clean with these bathing tips.
Special tips for keeping your canary cool and comfortable in hot weather.
Feed your canary a healthy diet for years of beautiful singing.
Your canary will stay lean and healthy with these fit tips.
Let your canary F-L-Y!
Prevention and treatment tips for common canary diseases and other health issues
They could be living inside your canary's nostrils right now!
"Why Does My Canary Have Scaly Feet and Legs?"
There are two major reasons for this problem.
Find out if your canary has'em and what you can do about'em.
Creating bald canaries daily.
Vampires that suck your canary's blood.
Irritating, tormenting, and MULTIPLYING...
Stomach and Digestive Problems
Pepto isn't the only answer...
Sticking to your canary's insides and sucking the life out of him...
Attacking the mouth and throat.
Clicking, wheezing, panting...
A deadly disease spread by mosquitoes and wild birds.
Not a disease but a canary care health issue you should pay close attention to.
Worse than the ON-season molt...
Keep your eyes peeled for these signs that your canary is ill.
What is your canary's poop saying to you?
The first things you should do if your canary is sick.
Using good medicines...and using them correctly.
They can be careful.
The healthy alternative it antibiotics.
Using herbal supplements for good canary bird care.
Even with the perfect diet, your canary may still need vitamins.
The joys and rewards of owning a canary.
Introduction to finding a canary for sale.
Quick tips for finding a healthy canary.
Start in your own backyard or have a canary shipped from Italy.
Search thru hundreds of names for your new canary.
Discover secrets about the most common types of canaries.
Bred for shape and size.
Bred for color. Includes the red factor canary.
Bred for singing ability.
An introduction to all about canary care while breeding.
Some good reasons...including for CASH.
Some Details On Canary Breeding
Light. Temperature. Food. Nest. Cage.
Using artificial light to breed canaries.
Care For Your Baby Canaries
Make your canary S-I-N-G! with these tips on canary bird care.
How I got involved in canaries and then took the tiny niche of "canary care" and turned it into one of the most popular sites on the web.
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