Canary Disease? My Canary Has Inflated Legs, Swollen Foot.
by Anonomous
Canary With Swollen Foot, Legs.
Canary With Bump on Foot and Toe.
"What should I do to heal my canary disease from inflated legs?"
This looks like a canary disease called bumble foot.
There are 2 suspected causes of bumble foot. Primarily it is suspected to be caused by the same thing as gout and that's a build up of uric acid in the blood stream.
This uric acid is caused by a diet which is too high in protein and fat. A diet rich in protein or fat will cause a canary to favor one foot. The foot may appear red, warm, or swollen (gout) OR have large pustules on the toes and feet (bumble foot).
Cut out all high protein (eggs, egg food, fish meal) and high fat foods (flax or millet seed) for a week or two and see if the condition improves.
Feed plenty of greens and high carbohydrate foods like dry oatmeal, and cooked brown rice.
The 2nd possible cause is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria entering through the skin on the bottom the bird's foot from a dirty perch.
If this is the case, a broad spectrum antibiotic may help.
I would love to hear what others may know about this canary disease and symptoms.