Canary Health and How to make my canaries breed.

by Hakim
(Jakarta, Indonesia)

Canary Health and Canary Breeding

Hi There,

My canaries is a pair, it's mating, building a nest, but its not laying any eggs.

The worst part is when the hen separated its laying 2 or 3 eggs, but of course it won't hatch because it was not inseminated by male.

I am rather confused with this condition.

Please your advise, I really appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Hakim, It sounds like you're new to breeding. The best place for you to start is...

All About Breeding Canaries.

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Oct 30, 2015
Education NEW
by: Riley Andronicus

Canary are really beautiful golden birds and their pair it looks really beautiful. I just love them and their sound. They are so cute and funny little creatures. so sensitive. Try writing your essays. It has birds as a separate topic of discussion. In which birds keeping, their health and needs are discussed in detail. You can get to know so much about them there.

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