Canaries have their own form of the pox called Canary
And it's deadly.
This canary disease is caused by a virus carried and transmitted by mosquitoes and wild birds. If you put your canary outside for fresh air be very careful of these wild carriers.
There are two forms of this canary disease...
Dry form and wet form.
The dry form is most common. Look for...
--crusty sores around the eyes, beak, legs, and feet.
With the wet form the canary will develop...
--lesions on the tongue, larynx, and pharynx.
Other symptoms include...
--weight loss
--rapid breathing
--fluffed up feathers.
There is no cure for Canary Pox but...
...if you've kept your bird healthy and if you give him what he needs during his illness he just might pull out of it. If possible see a vet. Canary Pox is fatal about 80% of the time.
low stress
plenty of healthy food and fresh water
Unfortunately there are no medications that combat a virus.
Antibiotics are used to heal bacterial infections and have no effect on a virus. Although...
Antibiotic is sometimes used to prevent any secondary bacterial infections that come about as a result of a viral infection.
Your best bet, though, for helping your bird recover from canary pox is...
Probiotic is designed to FLOOD your canary bird's system, during an illness, with GOOD bacteria or microbes. This enables your canary to get the most out of the foods he eats and helps build a strong immune system.
Prevent Canary Pox... being very cautious of your birds contact with mosquitoes and wild birds. You might also consider...
There is a vaccine that will prevent your canary from getting the Pox. Ask your veterinarian for the Canary Pox vaccine. One treatment protects him for life.
Have you discovered all the tips for keeping your canary healthy during the annual molt? How about preventing the debilitating off-season molt? Click here for more.
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