The Fife Canary.

The Fife Canary, also known as The Jewel of Scotland, was developed relatively recently by Scottish canary breeders in Fife County, Scotland.

Unhappy with the g-r-o-w-I-N-G size of the Border Canary these Scotts went the other direction and bred a small--or miniature--Border canary...

The Fife.

Fife Canary

The Fife is small--under 4 1/2 inches long--and agile with a rounded back and breast giving it a rotund appearance...very cute.

The youngest of the Type canaries-->the Fife was officially accepted in 1957. 

Also known as the Fife Fancy Canary this little bird is seen in many color variations including...




--and Variegated

The Fife Fancy Canary is a Type Canary and is bred for appearance with no regard given to it's singing ability.

Fife Fancy painting

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Find a Fife Canary Breeder.

To find more info on the Fife Canary visit the Fife Canary Club.

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