I don't know what to do??

My canary recently got sick, and I was so scared, but my sister told me not to worry about it. After that, I took the canary out of her cage and fed her, even though she wouldn't eat a single thing except for the shell of a hard-boiled egg. She was fluffed up and could barely hop and even fell to the ground. I put a napkin on top of her cage and she was breathing really hard until I realized she laid an egg! My sister told me,"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about the only thing she was sick for was because she laid an egg," So I didn't worry, until I saw her still really sick, now she's in my room with a black shirt over her cage fresh food and water, which she won't ea, and is sleeping, what to do???!!!!!

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Apr 20, 2017
Thank You NEW
by: Anonymous

She's doing much better, actually, although she is still quite sick, I appreciate your understanding and I am taking care of her. Of course, she spends way more than half the day in her nest but I feel that it aids in keeping her warm, and I give her oats and I give her fruit blend for canaries, which she enjoys. I cover her cage with a black shirt for warmth, but, unfortunately, I was not able to keep her in a quiet place.
Canary Owner :)

Apr 20, 2017
Bad Egg Laying Experience
by: Darren

So sorry to hear this. Egg laying can be hard on our hens especially at older ages.

Keep her warm and comfortable. See...


All my best,

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