I Flip The Seed Bottom To Top Several Times...

by Sheila
(Duncan, B.C. Canada)

Canary Seed by Reed Seed Co.

Canary Seed by Reed Seed Co.

Every three or four days I empty his feed dish and in the meantime I put my first two fingers in his dish and flip the seed bottom to top several times. This works great and then about day four I empty the container outside where I feed my wild birds.

That's a great tip for keeping some fresh seed at the top of the pile and preventing the seed from getting buried by the hulls.

Thanks Sheila.

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Sep 05, 2015
I Flip The Seed Bottom To Top Several Times...
by: Anonymous

Amazing article! I high appreciate this post. It’s hard to find the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it!

May 12, 2015
Love feeding birds
by: Anonymous

i love feeding birds. I dont want to keep them in cage. I love to see them fly. I have to write a research paper about birds and animals.

Aug 21, 2010

OK, yesterday I wanted to let my canary out for a fly. I usually just try and catch him but I wanted to get him use to using a perch stick to get on. Well he did get on and off than fell into his water dish. So I picked him up because I didn't want him to get hurt. His foot was caught in his wing so I softly pulled it down.

Well, then the nightmare began. He made sounds as loud and like a black crow would. Loud squawkes! And he continued this non-stop for about 5 minutes it seems.

I was crying uncontrollably myself and trying to comfort him to stop this loud sound. So I finally placed him (FORGIVE ME) BUT between the warmth of my boobs and petted his head softly for 3-4 minutes and he finally stopped this screaming sound.

He didn't move. I got up and stood in front of a mirror to check to see if he was alive. Thank GOD he was, so I placed him calmly back into his cage. He fluffed his wings many times, so I rubbed some orange flavored vitamin water into his beak a few times before I put him back into his cage. When I saw he was fine, as he then gave a few chirp's, I sprayed him with a water mist VERY LIGHTLY TO FRESHEN HIM UP.

He appeared to be fine, cleaned himself up, ate and sang after a half hour.

OH LORD..I was soooo scared that he was dying! It was that crow like sound, so loud, that's what scared me me to death. I thought he was in pain. Maybe he was just scared, poor baby. Well he ate some fresh apple then thing's were normal again.


Aug 21, 2010
Zea My Canary Is Singing Again

Well Darren, I played my wild bird tape for my canary. The first few days he did nothing. Then I moved his cage to a different section of the window where he got more sun on him.

I bought all the different canary seed I could...6 different cans including song bird, and green seed vegies, fruit seeds, orange flavor vitamin for his water, you name it.

But what he likes is the radio and music, and LOUD...LOL. He sings most of the day now. I love it. He's HAPPY AGAIN.

His feet are not smooth, all bumpy. Why is that?

I see other yellow canary's and their feet are smooth.

I love this site, I am afraid this winter I will have to move him and he won't sing again.

Hi Vonnie,

Glad to hear your canary is happy and singing. Just be aware that canaries usually don't sing during late summer and early fall while their molting. See this Molting Canary page.

For info on scaly legs see this page.

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