Losing Wing Feathers

by Ron
(Winchendon MA,worcester)

canary feather

canary feather

My canary is approx 1 yr old. Five wing feathers came off or he pulled them out in a short time about two weeks ago.

He looks healthy, eats, but his flying has decreased and daily loud singing every morning has all but stopped?

He looks alert seems happy.

Can hot temp of room cause this?
at 85 degrees mid day,

I bring the cage outside almost everyday and he is allowed to leave cage all day in the room.

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Sep 28, 2015
great NEW
by: Brucelee

It seems that your canary does not feel comfortable in your room temperature. You can improve the quality of the room facilities as well as the way of taking cares by the college essay writers who will find some creative ways for finding out the causes of falling the feather of your canary birds.

Jul 21, 2015
Your Canary Is Molting
by: Darren

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the question.

It sounds like your canary bird is right on schedule for the annual molt.


And, yes, hot weather can cause feather loss but the annual molt is triggered primarily by the length of daylight hours.

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