No Mess and No Waste

by Jacky
(N.E. Texas, USA)

Using Canary Seed To Grow Fresh Grass For Canary Food<BR>Photo by lesterhead at

Using Canary Seed To Grow Fresh Grass For Canary Food
Photo by lesterhead at

Regarding canaries making a mess with their seeds: I have moved my birds feeding dish to the floor of the cage.

Now all the trash stays inside as the cage has deep sides. But I have also blown off the hulls.

Also, when I clean the cage I pour all the seed and hulls into a large pan of potting soil and sprout the seed, takes 3 days and he loves them. I pick them and cut off the roots and put them in a special dish, not in his seed dish.

Thanks Jackie. I'm sure you're doing this already but for others who have a messy canary---> If you put the seed dish on the floor of the cage just make sure it's not under a perch where it can collect feces.

I love the idea of sprouting the extra seed...No waste!

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Mar 14, 2018
re seed on ground NEW
by: Anonymous

not a good idea alot of germs and bacteria there as well as stools ,better to dump it. cocci can collect there as well. You could be fine for a number of years then one year you could loose alot of birds

Oct 12, 2015
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Aug 10, 2015
Nice NEW
by: james

i read the you story and it looks very interesting about cleaning , you thoughts are to the point for cleaning a home wastage are very bad.

Jun 11, 2015
cool idea NEW
by: kelly

Wow, that is cool idea. I always think about the trashes fallen from the cage after the feeding war. I didn’t get idea that can make a change. Now your idea is awesome enough that it will become a cyclic food chain.colorado assisted living

May 29, 2015
good effort NEW
by: Saral

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