Paint Toxins
by Ellen Osterman
(Brooklyn New York)
Just had to share this..
I had some painting done to an exterior door of my apartment. I didn't realize how easily fumes reached my canary in a bedroom not far enough away from him.
The morning after he was on the floor of his cage stumbling around not able to balance himself. I phoned Mark Marrone for help. He's the owner of Parrots of the World in Rockville Center, New York.
He said use a 100 watt light bulb 
in the cage and keep it on for two weeks. I'm keeping the cage covered and the light bulb on all day and all night. It took 2 days for this stumbling to resolve. On the 3rd day he was on his perch. He started eating and drinking again.
He's still not singing, but he's alive, eating and drinking and no longer off balance. I hope to hear his beautiful song soon.
I'll keep you posted.