The Dangers Of Gas Heaters And City Water For Canaries And Other Caged Birds

by James Leahy
(Pamplona, Northern Spain)

Hello: Years ago I gave a gift of a very dear one-year-old roller canary to a good friend. He was a great singer in his soft and unimposing Roller manner.

The following winter, during a very cold month of January, the heating system in my friend's apartment building broke down for more than a week. To remedy the situation he made use of 2 or 3 bottled-gas heaters.

This went on for some time but just enough to kill that wonderful little yellow speck of a wonderful and talented canary. A fresh air and no-cigarette-smoke atmosphere is also a basic requirement for
keeping our little friends healthy and happy.

People should be aware of this matter, although I haven't seen it mentioned on any web-site or book dealing with canaries or other caged-birds.

Darren's Note: This is an excellent reminder James. Thanks. Air quality is discussed on 2 pages here at

The Canary Health page and the Cage Location page

One more point about water: I give my Malinois-Waterslager canary mineral water with very low lime content. I also, at times collect rainwater for that purpose.


Simply because city water is loaded with chemical substances that are not recommendable for any organism, including our own. But a canary´s tiny and sensitive organism is quite sensitive to these chemicals.

I drink city water, but for my canary, only bottled mineral water. I have noticed positive changes in his behavior, including vitality and singing. Four tablespoons of mineral- or rain water is not going to impoverish anybody.

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Sep 03, 2015
by: Jane

I had no idea this affects canaries. I am so surprised. This is something good to know for the future.

Jul 05, 2011
Self-cleaning oven lethal to canaries
by: Anonymous

Although I gave away my non-stick cookware when I received my first canary, I did not know that fumes from operating a self-cleaning oven were dangerous. Two years later, I used this function (very high heat -- no cleaning products) during the winter when the house was sealed, and both my beloved canary and companion Rosy Bourke parakeet died. I dearly wish this information had been more widely disseminated before my heartbreaking experience. Thank you for helping to educate canary lovers.

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